Conyers Middleton’s Essay on the Gift of Tongues is an important later Reformation work on this subject. He dug deeper than most authors but did not reach paydirt. Nonetheless, there is good thinking going on here.
Gift of Tongues
A fourfold aim of collating, digitizing, translating, and tracing the Christian doctrine of tongues from inception until 1906.
Conyers Middleton and the Doctrine of Tongues
An assessment of Conyers Middleton’s work, The Free Inquiry. A writing that has inspired the later doctrine of cessationism and impacted the christian doctrine of tongues.
Technical Notes on Chrysostom's Pentecost Text
Notes on the translation of John Chyrsostom’s “On the Holy Pentecost” Homily 1:4(b) to 5.
A snippet from Chrysostom's "The Holy Pentecost"
A translation from a portion of John Chrysostom’s, On the Holy Pentecost, as it relates to the miraculous event of Pentecost
Basil of Seleucia on Pentecost: Notes
A brief analysis of the fifth century tongues of Pentecost text loosely attributed to Basil of Seleucia
Basil of Seleucia's Explanation of Pentecost
A translation of one of Basil of Seleucia’s homilies on Pentecost. It is an important piece to tracing the doctrine of tongues through the centuries.
Basil of Seleucia was a fifth-century bishop in a region titled, Seleucia in Pieria, now known as the city of Antakya (Turkey).1
Basil of Seleucia on Pentecost: Greek and Latin text
A fifth century pseudochrysostom text on the miraculous event of Pentecost: the Greek and Latin texts
Basil of Seleucia Authorship Correction
Finding the real authorship and date behind a text loosely attributed to John Chrysostom.
Tertullian on the Doctrine of Tongues
A brief synopsis on the reasons why Tertullian’s coverage of tongues is nothing major and should be considered unimportant.
Tertullian on Tongues: a New English Translation
A translation of Tertullian: Against Marcion. Book V. 8:7-12 on the dogma of tongues