An Academic Conversation on Glossolalia

Ever wanted to know the history behind the doctrine of glossolalia? Dr. Philip Blosser, Professor of Philosophy at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, and Charles Sullivan discuss this topic via YouTube. The discussion answers the who, where, and when the doctrine of glossolalia first entered the religious world. This video will help you in your …

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A Response to Pentecostal Criticism

A two minute address to Pentecostals, Charismatics, Catholic Charismatics and the like who claim the Gift of Tongues Project and book series are a veiled attack against them.

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Volume 2 on Speaking in Tongues is now available!

Volume 2 of the three-part series of Speaking in Tongues: a Critical Historical Examination, is ready! This volume covers over 1800 years of this doctrine passed down from one generation to another. I hope this series helps you in discovering the rich history and the impact of this doctrine. The e-book (regular price $9.99) or …

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Book Review: The Inconvenient Indian

The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King is a revelatory work that reshapes the North American mind on their relationship with both the past and present native community.

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Book Review: Fragments of Christianity

Fragments of Christianity: Fragmentary Witnesses to Early Christian Liturgies, Hymns, Homilies, and Prayers, is an excellent resource on early Christianity. Every early Church historian or lay reader interested in the daily goings-on in the primitive church should have this work.

The author, Rick Brannan, has put much effort into analyzing, comparing, translating, and commenting on the various texts he has collated.

His work reveals the depth and beauty of the various facets of early church liturgies.

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Book Review: My Jesus Year

My Jesus Year: A Rabbi’s Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith is a humorous and sometimes insightful look into the smorgasbord of Christian religions in the United States.

Benjamin Cohen, a journalist and a Jewish observer, ventures into Christian wrestling, Catholicism, Anglicans, Mormons, Christian mystics, and more, including some off the beaten-track.

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The Rehumanization of a Christian Zombie

A candid look at faith, fears, loss, and hope through the lens of a zombie religious pilgrim.

Charles touching a mirror image looking away

A mirror hangs in the foyer of my house. Until recently it was the lone adornment on my freshly painted walls; my adult daughters eventually put up some pictures to hide what was, to them, an emotional desert, naked of any image, portrait, or memory. I walk through the house like a dead man among the living. I have become numb, like a zombie, finding that this is the only way to avoid the pain.

She is gone, and our children have grown up and left the house. After 38 years its many rooms stand empty. Old friends take sides, and some ghost me. Acquaintances shy away. My mother died some months ago; my aging body aches more profoundly with each passing day. God does not hear, and I am alone.

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Speaking in Tongues Examples

Video samples of the sights and sounds of glossolalia/speaking in tongues around the world. Prepared for those curious about the phenomenon and want to know more about it.

Crowd exalted with speaking in tongues

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