The Dead Sea Scrolls, Jesus, and Paul

Capturing the spirit of first-century Judaism through the window of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament writings.

The Dead Sea Scrolls give an important look into first-century Jewish life from a mainly Jewish-Hebrew perspective; a genre lacking until their advent. Most of our extra-biblical knowledge of Israel during the first-century was previously drawn from Jewish Greek and Aramaic writers.

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Evangelicals in the Canadian Political Realm

The name politics with a hand writing the following:and religion

Canadian Christians in the political systems: the positives, negatives, and the quest for a framework that the two parallel systems can work together.

There is no doubt that the Christian community’s contribution to society is enormous. Half-way houses, food distribution, addictions recovery, disaster assistance, child and family services, mental health and counseling assistance, AIDs respite, a moral and ethical voice, are a few of hundreds, perhaps a thousand more examples. If Christians and their institutions withdrew these services, Canadian society would suffer.

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Thoughts on the Bible

How the Bible should be revered but not worshiped, and it’s proper place in the religious life.

Boy reading Bible in Bed

As a young child and at the point of first questioning matters of life, death, God, and everything in between, I discovered the Bible.

I thought this Book possessed a magical quality, so I slept with this heavy object underneath my head and expected spiritual wonders to happen. The next morning, my head hurt, and my ear was sore from rubbing against it.

As a young adult, the Bible expanded my mind about the world around me. It gave a positive framework of how to live.

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